Buidheann Comhairleachaidh / Gaelic Advisory Group

  • 30 Jun 2020
  • Written by Nick Cullen
  • Blog, General, news, news

For an English Translation please scroll down.

Sanas gus daoine a lorg a dhol ann am Buidheann Obrach agus Comhairleachaidh Gàidhlig – COP26


Leis gu bheil COP26 a’ tighinn gu Glaschu san t-Samhain 2021, tha teann air bliadhna gu leth aig Alba gus ullachadh airson na co-labhairt as motha a chaidh a chumail leis an RA a-riamh, le cha mhòr 200 ceannaird an t-saoghail a’ tighinn dhan bhaile-mhòr airson na COP as brìgheile bhon tè ann am Paras 2015.


Tha com-pàirteachadh sòisealtas sìobhalta aig cridhe gnìomhan am broinn na COP oifigeil, agus ann an gnìomhachdan mun cuairt oirre cuideachd. Tha Stop Climate Chaos Scotland ag obair còmhla ri buidhnean agus co-chomuinn saor thoileach siobhalta gus làr-ionad a chruthachadh airson nan buidheann seo rè na co-labhairt, agus ag obair gus bliadhna de thachartasan agus ghnìomhachdan a thoirt cruinn còmhla anns an tìde ron cho-labhairt.


Mar phàirt den obair againn, bu toil leinn ceanglaichean a thogail leis a’ choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig gus àite a chruthachadh airson ealain agus cultar dùthchasail agus traidiseanta mar phàirt de chruthachadh fàilte chridheil air sòisealtas sìobhalta bho air feadh an t-saoghail aig COP, a’ toirt le bhuidhnean dùthchasail a bhios a tighinn gu Glaschu airson COP26.


Tha sinn a’ sireadh daoine bhon choimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig gus dol ann am Buidheann Obrach agus Comhairleachaidh, gus taic a thoirt dhan obair de bhith a’ cur fàilte air sòisealtas sìobhalta gu COP san t-Samhain 2021. Tha sinn an dùil gum bi am buidheann a’ cruthachadh an amasan fhèin gu ìre mhòr, ach tha sinn a’ sùileachadh gum bi obair a’ bhuidhinn a’ suathadh air na puingean a leanas:

  • a’ toirt aoigheachd do shreath de ghnìomhachd dùthchasach aig a’ Mhòr-ionad COP26
  • a bhith mar phuing ceangail le stiùirichean dùthchasach cruinneil
  • a’ co-òrdanachadh le buidhean cànain is cultair dhùthchasaich eile air feadh na RA gus an toirt a-steach don obair againn airson COP
  • a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi conaltradh air feadh coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig na h-Alba mu COP26, agus a’ gabhail pàirt ann an conaltradh le meadhanan na Gàidhlig


Tha dìlseachd, ùine agus dealas cho luachmhor ri eòlas agus fiosrachdas. Ach tha sinn gu sònraichte a’ sireadh daoine le cuid de na sgilean agus den eòlas a leanas (chan eil sinn a’ sùileachadhl gum bi a h-uile comas aig a h-uile duine!):


  • ceanglaichean matha taobh a-staigh coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig na h-Alba
  • ceanglaichean ri coimhearsnachdan cànain dhùthchasach eile san RA agus nas fhaide air falbh
  • dealas airson fàilte a chruthachadh don shòisealtas shìobhalta, agus gu sònraichte buidheann dùthchasach, nuair a thig iad a Ghlaschu, agus miann airson an cuideachadh leis a bhith cho èifeachdach sa ghabhas nan obair
  • ceanglaichean no eòlas sam bith mu COPan, no pròiseasan mòra eadar-nàiseanta eile
  • eòlas air a bhith a’ lìbhrigeadh tachartasan cultarail no ealaine, mòra no beaga
  • ceanglaichean le cultaran dùthchasach air feadh an t-saoghail


Mar a tha an t-ainm a’ moladh, bidh eileamaidean ann de bhith a’ comhairleachadh SCCS no ar n-obrach, ach cuideachd tha sinn an dùil gum bi obair air a toirt air adhart agus air a lìbhrigeadh.


Bidh am buidheann saor-thoileach, ach bidh taic ann don bhuidheann bho sgioba pròiseict COP26 aig SCCS, agus an comas tagradh a dhèanamh airson taic-airgid ma bhios feum air airson obair pròiseict sònraichte.


Ma tha ùidh agaibh a bhith nur pàirt den bhuidheann seo, feuch an cuiribh sibh rosgrannno dhà, a’ mìneachadh na h-ùidhe agaibh agus na bheireadh sibh don bhuidheann, gu [email protected].

Agus ma tha sibh airson bruidhinn a bharrachd mun chothrom seo, cuiribh post-d gu Kat.


Notice to find people to join a Gaelic Advisory and Action Group – COP26


With COP26 coming to Glasgow in November 2021, Scotland has nearly a year and a half to prepare for the biggest conference the UK has hosted, with nearly 200 world leaders expected to come to the city for the most significant COP since Paris in 2015.


Civil society involvement is central to activities both within the official COP, and in surrounding activities, and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland are working across wider civil society in creating a hub for Civil society during the COP, and working to bring together a year of events and activities in the run-up to COP. 


As part of our work we are interested in involving the Gaelic community in creating a space at the COP26 Civil Society Hub for traditional/indigenous arts and culture as part of creating a welcome for global civil society at COP, including the indigenous groups who will be coming to Glasgow for COP26.  


We are seeking people from the Gaelic community to join an Advisory and Action Group in order to support  the work of welcoming civil society to COP in November 2021.  We expect that the group will, to a great extent, set their own objectives and goals, but we anticipate that the group’s work will touch on the following areas:

  • Hosting a strand of traditional/indigenous cultural activity at the COP26 Hub
  • Coordinating with other indigenous language and culture groups across the UK to involve them in our work for COP.
  • Ensuring communication and tie-in across the Scottish Gaelic community on activity related to COP26, including having a role in Gaelic language media communications.
  • To raise awareness of the particular climate-related challenges faced by island and rural communities


Enthusiasm, time and commitment are as valuable as experience and knowledge. However we are especially seeking people with some of the following skills and knowledge (we don’t expect people to have all of these!)


  • good connections within Scottish Gaelic community
  • connections to other indigenous UK language communities and beyond
  • enthusiasm for creating a welcome for civil society, when they come to Glasgow and a desire to assist them in being as effective as possible in their work
  • existing connections or experience of COPs, or other large international processes.
  • experience of delivering cultural or arts events, however big or small.
  • connections with indigenous cultures worldwide


As the name suggests – there will be elements of advising SCCS or our work but also we expect there to be work taken forward and delivered, 


The group will be voluntary, but there will be support for the group from the COP26 project team at SCCS, and the potential for applying for funding if needed for specific project work.


If you are interested in being part of this group please could you send a couple of paragraphs outlining your interest in this and what you would bring to the group to [email protected]

And if you want to discuss more about this opportunity please email Kat.

  • Nick Cullen

    Nick is a past coordinator for the Climate Fringe platform and Climate Fringe Festival, working on strategy, website development and communications. He spent two years at SCCS in the lead up to COP26 and led on developing the Homestay Network, volunteering programme, COVID-19 safety, and many other aspects of logistics and operations in collaboration with the COP26 Coalition.