We are seeking an Evaluation Professional to work with us to evaluate our work on COP26
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland are seeking an evaluation professional for a contract to deliver evaluation work as part of a wider project funded and overseen by Gulbenkian Foundation which is looking at the effectiveness of engagement work around COP26.
The project will fund 20 days of time split approximately to 5 days of planning and preparing between end of June and September, 8 days of field work during COP (2 Nov-14 Nov) and 7 days of analysis and report writing (to get to the stage of an internal report that can be used as part of the review process for SCCS’s work at COP26)
Tasks will include:
- Initiation meeting and induction
- Liaison with the Gulbenkian evaluation project involving two half-day online meetings Wednesday 30 June (afternoon) and Tuesday 20 July (morning) – and between two and four shorter meetings with their project team
- Liaison meetings with Kat Jones, SCCS COP26 project manager
- Planning and preparing the research project to take place during COP: key research questions below
- Interviews with participants in SCCS’s COP26 Project activities during COP26
- Analysis of the research and report writing after COP. Interim report delivered for comment by 10 December 2021, With final report delivered before 20 December 2021
We will pay a fixed fee per day of £250, to a total of £5000, inclusive of all expenses
Please send CVs and a short covering letter that explains your suitability for the role and reasons for applying to [email protected] by 17 June 2021 5pm.
We cannot provide accommodation for the consultant during COP26 so we are particularly seeking someone who is based in Glasgow or within commuting distance.
We will interview prospective consultants on 23rd June
Further information on SCCS’s COP26 Project:
We have two overarching aims that inform all our work:
- Create Platforms, Places and Facilities so that Global Civil Society can be as effective as possible during COP26 in Glasgow and to give them a warm Scottish welcome, creating a clear a sense of place for visitors to COP
- Support and build the climate movement in Scotland, and locally in Glasgow, to leave an enduring legacy from COP26.
These overarching aims are delivered through a number of elements led by SCCS, and supported by our volunteer project
- Climate Fringe events website
- Climate Fringe week
- COP26 Hubs
- Homestay Network
- Spaces for Change
- Shared location for the constituency meetings
We believe that these two overarching aims support each other because:
- We need to bring the movement together in Scotland and build it up to allow us to create the warm welcome, the spaces and the facilities for global civil society at COP.
- Bringing together international activists with local people will bring energy to the Scottish climate movement and leave a legacy
We would like this piece of work to evaluate to what extent the various elements of the project have been successful in delivering on these two aims and to assess what elements are most appropriate to recommended to future civil society organisers in Host countries for future COPs.
The results of this evaluation project will be used in a report of all the work of SCCS for COP being prepared by the COP26 Project Manager and which will be used to assist future hosts of COPs in their planning and preparation.
About the Gulbenkian Project:
A wealth of public engagement activity is planned around the Climate COP26 in Glasgow, November 2021, particularly in the UK as the host nation. This is an excellent opportunity to test and evaluate different ways to engage the public in climate change action, as well as an important moment to document the impact of the targeted public engagement work. We are very excited about this opportunity to bring together a group of practitioners to experiment on this theme with a collaborative evaluation project, and think ahead.
We are working with evaluators Sally Cupitt and Shehnaaz Latif to bring together 6-10 practitioners who are planning to undertake public engagement work for COP26, to co-design an evaluation framework for their work, and test it by collecting data at and around the COP in November 2021. The evaluators will subsequently analyse the data collected by practitioners to evidence the impact of the work and extract lessons for public engagement that will be useful for a wide range of practitioners. We hope this will also support our efforts to communicate the value of this work to decision-makers at a national and international level.