After COP26’s Built Environment Day, you likely now know that the construction and operation of buildings account for around 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. But despite buildings’ colossal impacts
After COP26’s Built Environment Day, you likely now know that the construction and operation of buildings account for around 40% of global greenhouse gas emissions. But despite buildings’ colossal impacts upon the Climate Crisis, life, and landscapes, we are still to have the serious discussions we need to as a society about what to collectively do about it – beyond politicians setting more targets unhelpfully far into the future.
Without the decarbonisation of construction – the buildings already standing and the sector that builds them, countries cannot drive emissions down to zero and every fraction of a degree of global heating counts. But the good news is not only that we have an abundance of solutions that we can share with one another, examples that we can learn from and strategies to realise beyond simply “sustainable” buildings but that making this normality could positively change the lives of those around us.
The Anthropocene Architecture School invites you to join us as we reimagine our built environments as, perhaps, the greatest opportunity for transformative climate action that we have close to hand, explore what that future could look like, and start to cultivate the conditions to make this a reality.
Contributors/Performers: Scott McAulay
Cost: Free
Age: All ages
Featuring: Talk
Audience Notice: This event is wheelchair accessible. Our space is temporary, so please wrap up warm.
Find out more on and @landinghubgla on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
(Thursday) 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, number SCO39643