Big Swap Shop Event // Free clothes, utensils, books, etc
Event Details
Come along to find some great clothes, toys, books, DVDs, kitchen utensils and other stuff for FREE! Saturday 20th November 12-4pm Eric Liddell Centre, 15 Morningside Rd, Edinburgh EH10 4DP
Event Details
Come along to find some great clothes, toys, books, DVDs, kitchen utensils and other stuff for FREE!
Saturday 20th November
Eric Liddell Centre,
15 Morningside Rd,
EH10 4DP
This event will enable you to swap clothes and other items and reduce the amount of textile produced and landfilled. Come and help the planet by reducing waste!
Everything will be available at NO COST. You will find a great selection:
• Women’s, Men’s & Children’s clothes
• Toys
• Books, CDs & DVDs
• Kitchen utensils
All welcome!!!
Please bring your own bags.
-Mask required (no mask, no entry)
-Limited number inside the venue
-2 meters queuing system outside
-One-way system inside and 2 meters distance required
-We will not accept donation on the day.
We reserve the right to ask someone to leave if they don’t adhere to these rules.
-Please avoid coming with too many household members.
-We will have items until the end of the swap shop so there is no need to come at the start.
Bring items / donations in business week between Wednesday 10th November and Wednesday 17th November at ELREC, 14 Forth Street, EH1 3LH FROM 10:30am to 5:30PM.
Or at the Welcoming on Wednesday 16th and 17th November from 10am to 3pm at the Welcoming, 20/1 Westfield Avenue, Edinburgh, EH11 2TT.
Please circulate this invitation to your friends and contacts and on social media.
The event is a public event and photographs and films will be taken for use for marketing and publicity uses and in social media.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Big Swap Event!
The event is organised by the Scottish Government’s Climate Challenge Fund project of
Edinburgh and Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) (Communities For Conservation), The Welcoming Association and Granton Goes Greener
For more info:
Email: [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]
Phone: ELREC 0131 556 0441
Phone: the Welcoming Office: 0131 346 8577 Mobile: 07731549448 / 07727651278
(Saturday) 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)