Did you know that UK and European power and heat plants are burning wood sourced from biodiverse forests around the
Did you know that UK and European power and heat plants are burning wood sourced from biodiverse forests around the world to generate electricity or heat… and calling it renewable energy?
On Wednesday 20th April at 6.30pm BST, please join Biofuelwatch and friends for our “Standing up to Drax & Vattenfall’s tree burning” webinar to find out more about how we can help protect forests, wildlife, communities and the climate from tree burning by big energy companies such as Drax and Vattenfall.
We’ll be joined by special guest speakers, Farištamo Eller from Save Estonia’s Forests (Estonia), Rita Frost from Dogwood Alliance (USA), Tegan Hansen from Stand.Earth (Canada) and Merry Dickinson from the Axe Drax group (UK), who will share how tree burning in UK and European power and heat plants is leading to biodiversity loss, climate-wrecking emissions and environmental injustice for communities around the world.
We’ll learn more about the amazing forests from which woodchips and pellets are being sourced and discuss how we can all take action to tell Drax, Vattenfall and other huge wood-burning companies to stop burning trees.
We’ll also hear about plans for exciting online and in-person demonstrations outside the Drax AGM and the Argus Biomass Conference on the 27th of April, a Day of Action to Stop Burning Trees!
Everyone is welcome!
(Wednesday) 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm(GMT+00:00)
Online - free tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/webinar-standing-up-to-drax-vattenfalls-tree-burning-tickets-317051057247
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is a charity registered in Scotland, number SCO39643