TAKE ONE ACTION at the Barn: The Mushroom Speaks

01apr7:00 pmTAKE ONE ACTION at the Barn: The Mushroom Speaks OrganiserTake One ActionThe BarnThe Barn, Burn O'Bennie Rd, Banchory AB31 5QA7:00 pm(GMT+00:00) Event TypeCultural, Arts & SocialThemeFood & Agriculture

Event Details

Explore stories at the heart of positive social change through film screenings and conversations by Take One Action at the Barn Aberdeenshire, including ‘The Mushroom Speaks’. For access measures and to book a place, visit the Barn website.

Tickets: https://thebarnarts.ticketsolve.com/shows/1173636205/events

There is a Sliding Scale Ticket price for this event of £0 – £10.


(Saturday) 7:00 pm(GMT+00:00)