Communications workshops for community groups taking climate action

Learn how to get your climate work noticed with this series of five free communication skills workshops organised by Fife Climate Hub and...

Dec 01, 2023

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Ecohouse tour: How to upgrade a house from EPC E to EPC A energy rating

Join a tour of an Ecohouse in Pittenweem, to learn more about how to upgrade a house from EPC E to EPC A energy efficiency rating. During...

Nov 30, 2023

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Fife Climate Hub Fundraising Series Free Online Training

Fife Climate Hub is offering a series of short online training courses on fundraising, starting with the basics, through to taking a...

Sep 27, 2023

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How to Win Hearts and Minds for Effective Community Climate Action

What is this event about? Research shows that most people are concerned about the climate and nature crises, believe action is important...

Sep 06, 2023

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FCCAN Networking Event: Making sharing and re-use easy

This FCCAN networking event will look at how sharing and re-use of household goods are helping to reduce consumption within the community...

Sep 06, 2023

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Fife Climate Hub Film Club: Film Screening of “Journey to Utopia”

Feeling desperate about climate change, one family uproots their life to join an ecological experiment. The Mo family lead a...

Sep 06, 2023

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How to… help your community to reduce waste (lunchtime session)

Everything we do, everything we buy, and everything we use has an impact on our planet. In fact, around 80% of Scotland’s carbon...

Sep 06, 2023

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Living Lighter on the Planet Together

Are you curious about the impact of your choices, and how you might live a little lighter? In this session we will look at how we may have...

Sep 06, 2023

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FCCAN Networking Event – Fife Marine Restoration

The Ecology Centre in Kinghorn is hosting an FCCAN networking event to share the exciting marine restoration activities that are taking...

Sep 06, 2023

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Is the Future Worth a Conversation?

What is this session about? In this short Future Conversations session delivered by Surefoot Effect, we start with the question: What are...

Sep 05, 2023

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